A Comparison of Leadership Practices of Thai Male and Female Middle Managers

Business    Managers/Executives/Administrators

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TITLE: A Comparison of Leadership Practices of Thai Male and Female Middle Managers
RESEARCHER: Maneerat Kaewaram
College of Arts and Sciences (Program in I/O Psychology)
United States International University
Master's Thesis: March 1998

To compare the leadership practices of Thai female and male middle managers.

The sample group was chosen from among business managers of firms at the time the research was conducted. The 200 managers were randomly selected for participation from marketing departments of 20 trading firms which were listed in the Directory of the Thai Ministry of Industry (1995-96), by choosing every tenth organization in the listing. The Department of Research and Evaluation Affairs at Dentsu Company conducted the survey distribution and collection process. Respondents provided demographic information and completed the Leadership Practices Inventory (Self). The final sample included 81 male and 81 female respondents. The majority of the respondents were between 31 and 40 years of age (59%) and had completed college (54%). Most had worked between 2-4 years (42%) or between 5-10 years (38%).

Male and female Thai managers did not significantly differ on the leadership practices of Challenging, and Encouraging. Males reported higher scores than females on Inspiring, Enabling, and Modeling. Multiple regression analyzes revealed that age, education level, and work experience had no significant influence on leadership practices for either male or female Thai managers.