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Leadership Rules for the Never Normal: How to Lead in a New Paradigm

Leadership Rules for the Never Normal: How to Lead in a New Paradigm

Aug 23, 2023

The events of 2020 ushered in a new era for not only the world at large, but also the world of work. The last three years have been marked by rapid changes in work models, technology, and more. While we sought to make sense of things in the context of “the new normal,” it became clear that “the new normal” was a moving target.

This begs the question: What is the new normal if it is always evolving? In the same way that the old adage says, “the only constant in life is change,” perhaps “the new normal” is actually “the never normal.”

This topic and more was covered at our recent event Leadership Unlocked, where Wiley expert Dr. Mark Scullard spoke of this phenomenon and how timeless principles of leadership are needed more than ever in our increasingly complicated world.

Joining Dr. Mark Scullard were The Leadership Challenge coauthors, and leadership experts, Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner for an excellent talk on how to turn adversity into opportunity, a theme they captured in their recently released white paper Leadership Rules for the Never Normal. To help leaders fully engage people and strengthen their resilience in uncertain times, Kouzes and Posner took a fresh look at the cases of what leaders do when they are at their personal best.

Learn six common strategies you can incorporate into your leadership practice today and start turning adversity into opportunity.

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