The Leadership Role of the Principal in Integrating Computers in the Elementary School Instructional Program

Secondary Education    Managers/Executives/Administrators

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TITLE: The Leadership Role of the Principal in Integrating Computers in the Elementary School Instructional Program
RESEARCHER: Ann Smith Jackson
Department of Educational Leadership & Policy Studies
Loyola University (Chicago)
Doctoral Dissertation: January 1996

To discover the effect of the principal's leadership role in the developmental concerns of teachers integrating computers in the educational program; and that the principal's leadership role is a significant factor in influencing teacher developmental progress in that process.

Twenty-five middle schools in the Chicago area, using Chapter I ESEA funds to provide supplemental educational services to disadvantaged schools participated, comprised the sample. Subjects from the 22 sites that responded were the principal, computer laboratory teacher, and classroom teachers (five from each site, with 90 responding). The rate of return was 77 percent. Respondents completed the LPI (Self or Other), Change Facilitator Stages of Concern Questionnaire (Hall, et al., 1991), and Stages of Concern Questionnaire (Hall, et al., 1986). Demographic information was also collected, primarily about experience with computers.

ANOVA results indicated no significant differences in scores between the three role groups on the LPI, nor did Tukey's post hoc pairwise mean comparisons show significant differences between any two groups. There was a significant (positive correlation) between the scores on leadership practices and stages of concern.

"The results of this study have implications not only for the principals in this study, but also for principals in the field who find themselves faced with a challenge such as implementing an innovative new product, a new process, a reorganization--a change from the status quo. The finding that there is a strong and complex relationship between the way a leader leads and the focus of concerns of the staff directs attention to a need for continuing professional development for both principals and teachers" (p 121).